Ki Hadjar Dewantara's philosophy of education, Merdeka Belajar, human with characterAbstract
In his thoughts, Ki Hajar Dewantara argues that education is a series of processes to humanize humans. The concept of education according to Ki Hadjar Dewantara is based on the principle of independence, which means that humans are given the freedom to develop and organize their lives according to their abilities and talents. A student should possess independent spirit, which means being physically and mentally independent. Ki Hadjar Dewantara termed that education concept as the among system/ among pedagogy, which prohibits punishment and coercion to students because it will kill the independent spirit and creativity. Based on Ki Hadjar Dewantara's educational philosophy, the education system in Indonesia carries the philosophy of Merdeka Belajar as the basis for managing National Education. The Merdeka Curriculum as one form of implementing the philosophy of Merdeka Belajar really provides opportunities for students and educators to develop their respective talents and abilities according to the character, intelligence and condition of the students. Character education is given the widest possible room to nurture, develop and cultivate human values to form an increasingly dignified person to be an intelligent and virtuous human being so that he can adapt to the progress of the times based on the values of Pancasila as the identity of Indonesian people with character. In the philosophy of Merdeka Belajar, there is a shift in the educational paradigm that allows educational transformation to maintain the existence of human dignity so that a human can develop into a whole person, so that a strong character can be formed and eventually it determines the identity of a nation.
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