Publication Ethics

Jurnal Perkotaan is committed to publishing high-quality articles. The journal assesses articles based on several criteria: originality, addressing societal issues relevant to the author's expertise, inspiring readers, and adhering to proper scientific writing principles in Bahasa Indonesia or English. Plagiarism is strictly checked. To ensure quality, all parties involved – managers, editors, reviewers, and authors – work together following guidelines set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Managing Editor Ethics:
The managing editor is committed to conduct the following actions:

  1. Uphold the confidentiality of the names of the author(s), editor, and partners.
  2. Maintain a convenient process for the editor and partners.
  3. Make determinations on intellectual property rights.
  4. Set and comply with the guidance on the writing and publication processes.
  5. Establish a network with other educational institutions or other organizations.
  6. Promote the journal to scientific communities globally.
  7. Ensure the availability of funds for the journal’s continuity.
  8. Ensure ease of access for the journal to authors and readers.
  9. Understand the above publication ethics to avoid conflicts of interests with other parties, for the sake of ensuring a smooth and secure publication process.

Author Ethics:
The author is expected to conduct the following actions:

  1. Use original data rather than manipulated data.
  2. Ensure that the submitted article adheres to the journal’s style requirements, submitting the checklist form alongside the article submission.
  3. Ensure that each name listed in the article is an author that contributed to the substance and writing of the article itself.
  4. If there are multiple authors, ensure that the authors have agreed upon the final version of the article for publication.
  5. If there are multiple authors, ensure that one author has been listed as the corresponding author.
  6. Know that the responsibility for the article lies with the corresponding author, so that if there are problems in the publication process, then the corresponding author should handle them promptly.
  7. Monitor the article’s progression to publication through the open journal system (OJS).
  8. Revise the article, after receiving feedback from the reviewers, within a period of no more than three weeks.
  9. Provide a statement of originality that the submitted article is the actual work of the author(s), neither a replicated work nor the unpublished ideas of another person, and that the submitted article is not an active submission in another journal’s publication process. In this statement, the author uses the form already made available on the journal’s website.
  10. Avoid any conflicts of interest with any parties.
  11. Understand the above publication ethics to avoid conflicts of interest with other parties, to ensure a smooth and secure publication process.

Editor Ethics:
The editor is committed to conduct the following actions:

  1. Carry out the publication process to ensure the quality of the journal’s publications.
  2. Take responsibility for the published articles.
  3. Ensure that the review process from partners is characterized by objectivity, transparency, fairness, and wisdom in order to support the appropriate decision-making in publishing articles.
  4. Take responsibility for authors’ compliance with the journal’s style guidelines, including in the use of language.
  5. Accept input or opinions from authors, peer-reviewers, advisory editors, and managers to improve the quality of the journal.
  6. Ensure that all information listed on the journal’s website is clear, easily accessible, and understood.
  7. Do not share any information related to an accepted article with other parties, except for the corresponding author, peer-reviewers, and managers.
  8. Uphold the confidentiality of information related to the author(s) and peer-reviewers.
  9. initiate open communication with the author(s) and peer-reviewers.
  10. Ensure that the article is sent to competent reviewing partners.
  11. Evaluate articles with respect to their content without considering the race, sex, religion, ethnicity, citizenship, or political philosophy of the author(s).
  12. Uphold objectivity and neutrality in selecting and editing articles without discriminating on the basis of sex, institution, religion, race, or nationality of the author(s).
  13. Understand the above publication ethics to avoid conflicts of interest with other parties, to ensure a smooth and secure publication process.

Reviewer Ethics:
The reviewer is committed to conduct the following actions:

  1. Possess competency in accordance with the relevant field of study and service to society.
  2. Possess experience writing in national and international journals.
  3. Work in a professional and responsible manner.
  4. Take responsibility for the content of the scientific article reviewed.
  5. Assist the editor in making decisions related to the appropriateness of articles.
  6. Assist the author(s) in improving the quality of the article.
  7. Inform the editor with honest feedback if it seems that an article under review is outside of the reviewer’s qualifications, so that a more appropriate peer reviewer could perhaps be considered instead.
  8. Complete the available review form for an article.
  9. Provide suggestions, input, positive recommendations, and constructive criticism to author(s).
  10. Analyze an article objectively, honestly, independently, and only in relation to the scientific truth.
  11. Uphold the confidentiality of the content of articles under review, refraining from discussing an article’s content with other parties.
  12. Deliver the result of the review to the editor within a period of no more than four weeks after being sent the article through the open journal system (OJS).
  13. If the review period needs to be extended or the review cannot proceed for some other reason, communicate this information to the editor.
  14. Ensure the privacy of the author(s) by restricting access to the result of the review.
  15. Ensure the sources referenced in the article are appropriate and cited in an accountable manner.
  16. Do not use the article under review for individual needs without obtaining permission from the author(s).
  17. Report if there are similarities between the substance of an article under review and that of an article that has already been published.
  18. Understand the above publication ethics to avoid conflicts of interest with other parties, to ensure a smooth and secure publication process.