Plagiarism Screening

To ensure that the submitted manuscripts are free from plagiarism, the authors must submit the result of a similarity check using the originality-checking software Turnitin when submitting a manuscript through OJS. Prior to publishing an article, editors will return to check the similarity score generated by Turnitin.

The work must be original, not published elsewhere, and not awaiting publication in another publication or medium. Each item taken word-for-word from another source must be identified clearly and distinguished from the original text of the article using (1) indentation, (2) usage of quotation marks, and (3) identification of the source. It is suggested that authors use paraphrasing rather than direct quotations from other sources.

The manuscript delivered to Jurnal Perkotaan must possess a similarity score of no more than 20%. This is proven with the result from the Turnitin system that is submitted alongside the manuscript.