Peer Review Process

Jurnal Perkotaan employs a rigorous review process to ensure the quality and relevance of published articles. Editors first screen submissions for formatting, style, and fit with the journal's scope and focus. Manuscripts meeting these criteria enter a double-blind peer review via the Open Journal System (OJS). Authors must also provide a plagiarism report (under 20% of similarity). Two qualified reviewers assess each manuscript based on its originality, scientific merit, societal impact, and adherence to ethical and formatting guidelines. Reviewers provide feedback directly on the manuscript or through a review form. The editor then decides on acceptance, rejection, or revisions (major or minor) based on the reviewers' recommendations. The entire review process typically takes two to four weeks.

Aspects considered in the review process:

  1. Novelty of the topic
  2. Originality of the manuscript
  3. Scientific value
  4. Contribution to society and science
  5. Relevance to the expertise of the author(s)
  6. Adherence to ethics requirements
  7. Systematicity of the manuscript
  8. List of related references with citations
  1. Grammar, diction, spelling, and punctuation
  2. Adherence to appropriate conduct for scientific activities