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  • Monika Susanti Jempru Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya
  • Maria Claudia Wahyu Trihastuti



emotional intelligence, elementary school students, victims of bullying


Emotional intelligence is an individual's ability to understand and manage emotions in the process of intrapersonal and interpersonal interactions. Emotional intelligence is shown from an individual's ability to recognize their own emotions, manage emotions, motivate themselves, and recognize the emotions of others and build relationships with others. This case study research aims to get an in-depth picture of the emotional intelligence of students as victims of bullying. The subjects of this study were fifth grade elementary school students with the initials SN, JN, and NT. Data collection techniques used interviews and observation techniques. Interviews were conducted with the participants, the principal, and the orphanage caregiver as the participant's caregiver at VP Orphanage. Observations were made to obtain data on participants' behavior in interacting in the school environment. The analysis technique was carried out through the stages of testing the truth of the data, categorizing the data according to the components of emotional intelligence, and interpreting the data. The results showed that the components of emotional intelligence that had developed well in students as victims of bullying were the component of recognizing one's own emotions and the component of building relationships with others. The components of managing self-emotions, motivating oneself, and recognizing the emotions of others have not been optimally developed in students as victims of bullying. Researchers provide advice to school principals, homerooms, and counseling teachers in designing policies in an effort to prevent and handle bullying behavior to reduce the frequency of bullying behavior in the school environment.


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2023-10-31 — Updated on 2023-12-01


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