
  • Theresia Agnes Wijaya Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia
  • Nathania Pramendra Yaslim Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia
  • Agnes Marcela Putri Permatasari Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia
  • Grace Radeka Yosevina Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia
  • Henny Christine Mamahit Unika Atma Jaya



self-acceptance, Generation Z, social media


Generation Z is often referred to as the internet generation because Generation Z grew up with the development of increasingly sophisticated technology. Through technological sophistication, Generation Z has an attachment to social media where Generation Z can express themselves and even do self-acceptance through social media. Self-acceptance is someone who believes in his abilities and behaves according to his standards so that he is responsible and accepts all the consequences. This study aims to look at the views of Generation Z on self-acceptance through the use of social media. The research sample is active students of the Guidance and Counseling class of 2019 and class of 2020. The type of research used is quantitative research. Data in this research was collected using a questionnaire. The instrument's reliability is 0.932, with a total of 30 items. The results showed that the classification of self-acceptance was at the highest score with a percentage of 78.8%. The component with the highest score considers the limitations in oneself, and the element with the lowest score is self-confidence.


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